The master 2 LL.M in International and European Business Law program from the Faculty of Law Lyon 3 offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of European and International Business Law. The courses, taught exclusively in English by academics and practionners, fully meet the requirements of the practice of international lawyers.

This program takes entirely place in Lyon, France, during an academic year, and its success is sanctioned by a French national master 2 degree, issued to the student after passing the exams with success.

This program offers highly qualified students the opportunity to pursue their legal studies at an advanced level in a challenging but supportive environment.


This program seeks to:

Deepen students’ knowledge of law at the national, European and international levels, thus providing students with the tools to work more effectively in a global setting;

Develop the students’ personal and professional capabilities so that students are able to integrate into the practice of law, by:

  • Enhancing forensic and critical legal skills through case analysis and legislative evaluation
  • Encouraging independent reading and research using traditional and internet resources
  • Guiding students in applying legal concepts to real life situations, using legal case analysis and problem solving
  • Promoting team work and public speaking
  • Focusing on practical legal skills, including drafting, advocacy, negotiation and communication
  • Training students to present complex ideas and arguments involving the fields of law studied in writing and orally
  • Encouraging students to use contextual and critical thinking