2023 – 2024 CVEC:

  • All students : € 100*

Before registration at an institution of higher education each student must obtain an attestation of payment of the Student and Campus Contribution (CVEC):



2023 – 2024 Registration fees (University fee):

  • All students : € 245*

* These figures may vary from year to year.

Students registered with Lyon 3 Univerisity receive a student’s card which gives them access to all premises of the University and to the Faculty Libraries.

Tuition fees (LL.M):

  • For the master 2 LL.M program (one academic year): 10,000 Euros
  • For students who spent 1 semester in exchange (ERASMUS) or under a bilateral agreement with a partner University, and who want to complete the degree**: 5,000 Euros

**Exchange students who came in exchange (ERASMUS) or under bilateral agreement with a partner University during one semester have the possibility of taking a further semester of studies at the Law School for the purpose of obtaining the master 2 LL.M. in International and European Business Law, subject to certain conditions set down by the Law School.